Started with a craft, became a dream
The Story of R.E.P. Lures beginning. All started with a dream & a family tradition of handcrafting fish lures for well over 100 years. The teachings of lurecraft, have been handed down from father to son, for generations in my family.
Starting at a young age, my grandfather taught me the skills of lurecraft & the most important lesson of making truly effective fishing lures. That lesson was to know the fish and feeding habits, watch those fish and see what they feed on, and keep an eye on how these feeding habits change with the seasons, weather conditions, fishing pressure. Grandfather was right, if you know their habits, and seasonal cycles, they are very predictable year long.
Sadly my grandparent's have passed away, but not before they left me with all the knowledge and traditional skills, that have made me the master lure craftsman that I am today.
In 1989 I opened, R.E.P. Lures & Guide Service, dedicating its opening to my grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Young Sr. The new business featured,effective handcrafted quality fishing lures, recreational guide services, a knife/tool sharpening service, and herbal medicine practitions.
The handcrafted fish lures combined old fashioned quality craftsmanship with todays modern materials, making them stronger and more effective.
Still a favorite of fishermen today, are grandfathers wooden lures called the, Surface Dwellers. And now the handcarved Surface Dwellers are offered in more colors to choose from. The new colors stand along side grandfathers, and have been thoroughly field tested with positive fish attracting color patterns. Grandfather designed the, 6 inch long Surface Dwellers for Musky & Northern Pike, but we have found that Largemouth Bass also find them irresistable.
A smaller 3 inch version of the Surface Dwellers, have been tested and found effective for, Pike & Largemouth Bass. These smaller handcarved lures are offered in the same colors as the larger versions, and they are called, Grandads Baby Surface Dwellers. 
Our most popular and deadly series of handcrafted lures are called the, Tailspin Bucktails. These lures are offered in 3 colors and 2 sizes. The Tailspin Bucktails, have been field tested and found to be very effective for catching, Musky, Northern Pike, Large & Smallmouth Bass, Walleye, Trout, Salmon, & Striper Bass.
During our field tests with the Tailspin Bucktails, we have found that they have consistently outperformed all other manufactures of standard forward spinner bucktails on the market. Unlike forward spinner bucktails, the Tailspin Bucktails have the spinner in the rear, giving the lures an appearance of a bait fishs tail. This special spinner action combined with the deer hair body patterns, have given to the name, Tailspin Bucktail.
Many fishermen have said that the Tailspin Bucktails will change bucktail fishing forever, and become a true fishing lure legend.
 R.E.P. Lures, TAILSPIN BUCKTAILS, SIGNATURE SERIES Handmade to order, one at a time.  Handcrafted by: Donald B. Young Junior. R.E.P. Lures Woody Wogs, are a revolutionary proven, tested and effective design. Hand carved hardwood lures and crafts. Honored Author, with the prestigious award for Excellent Merit by Hollywood Book Reviews.   Awarded author, Donald Young or Junior, as his family members called him.
R.E.P. Lures R.E.P.Lures is not only a fishing lure manufacture, but also hunting attractants and cover scents from decades of family outdoor knowledge.  RAZORS EDGE PRO. Full service sharpening: Est: 1989 Specializing in: Knives. Lathe turning tools and bits. Wood carving tools and chisels. Lawn, home & garden, forestry tools ext, ext. ''Prices start at 5.00 for any single straight edge knife'' Phone# 715 339 7153 Razors Edge Pro. N10919 Cty, Road F. Lugerville Wisconsin 54555 My life on the family farm was filled with outdoor adventures of all sorts. I had so many wild animal friends and pets I lost count. By age 9, I began as a pupil under Ben Standing Crow, a Haudenosaunee/Iroquois Shaman. I had strange dreams and visions, plus my kinship with the wild forest animals made Ben see that I was destined to be a powerful shaman someday. Before Ben's death in 91, he had finished his long years of tutoring me and I was honored with the title of 3rd tall staff rank in the False Face Society. After this I continued to see strange things whether in nature, vision or dreams, and one of these sightings lead to my involvement with cryptid groups and movie networks interested in my gift of sight, plus experience with deep forest life. After my Grandmothers death, I furthered my knowledge in healing arts, and studied under a few Curanderos of Mazatec native culture, and after four long years was also ordained a shaman with the Pagan Latin title, Verde Brujo, ''Green Witch.'' It was a combination of my Grandmothers knowledge with healing plants, Ben's years of spiritual tutoring, and the healing medicinal arts of Curandero's that I am able to offer spiritual and alternative medicines to all that seek old world healing. On top of this, my Grandfathers knowledge of wood working has not only helped teach me the art of lurecraft, but also opened the doorway into other crafts. ''R.E.P. Lures Waterways Cleanup Project'' In an effort since 1994, R.E.P. Lures has been committed to giving back, so wildlife and people can continue enjoying our natural resources. ''R.E.P. Lures Waterways Cleanup Project'' Founded in 1994
How did ‘’R.E.P. Lures Waterways Cleanup Project Start?’’ Well, it all started when my wife and I went on a trip to a canyon in the Gurney area called the Potato River Falls. We always loved this area because of its spectacular natural beauty and fantastic trout fishing. We had started down the canyon to the stream below; on the bottom we began to follow streams edge away from the Potato falls. As we started around the first bend we could hear screams of a child farther downstream, this got us to step up our pace. When we got to an open area in the canyon, we could see a large man with no shirt on, and a woman kneeling down holding a child. As we got closer, I yelled over to them and asked, what was going on. The man replied that his daughter was hurt and needed medical attention. As we got up to them we could see that it was a small girl in the woman’s arms and the man’s shirt was wrapped around the girl’s feet, the shirt was soaked in blood. I asked the man what happened, he explained that they were fishing the stream and their daughter played in the stream bare foot, when she screamed and fell back into the water, they rushed to her and saw that her feet had been cut to shreds. I then told the family to follow me, I knew a shortcut to the canyon top, and they followed. The man offered me money for my time; I refused it, and told him to get his daughter to the hospital as soon as possible. They left. My wife and I went back to the area checking the stream out and searching for what could have done such damage. After what seemed like a couple of hours my wife yelled over to me that I should see this. When I got to her, I saw what had caused the child’s deep wounds; someone thought it would be fun to break up a case of beer bottles in the stream. On shore between large boulders was the empty beer case carton and the shore was littered with spent 22 caliber casings. It took my wife and I over 9 hours till dark to clean up as much of the glass as we could find. It was then we decided that something had to be done, so this will not happen again. 3 weeks later we started the R.E.P. Lures Waterways Cleanup Project. Since that time, we have continued to patrol lakes, rivers and streams within our own Wisconsin recreational areas. Of course we can't patrol all waterways, but the little we do, adds up. With over an estimated 3 tons of miscellaneous trash items collected, Carol and I did not stop at just collecting, but at our own cost we placed garbage cans at the heaviest littered areas. Of course many of these cans were vandalized or stolen, we continue this costly fight to keep our waterways safe and clean for generations to enjoy. ''Here are a few photos showing trash we have collected from lakes, rivers and streams over the years.'' ''All this has been done at our own cost.'' But now, with the rising cost of living taking its savage hold, we are no longer able to travel the many miles around Wisconsin to patrol and keep waterways or shorelines clean. The metal barrels we drop off at sites are bought with our own income, but these are getting difficult to replace when vandals or thieves destroy and or steal them. We must now ask for your help to continue our crusade. Please help by donating ''50 gallon barrels, 60 gallon trash bags, fuel cards or cash to help our travel expenses.'' Even one barrel or one dollar will help us keep the waterways cleaner and safer for everyone to enjoy. ''For Donations of materials'' Please drop off at R.E.P. Lures and Guide Service N10919 County Road F While the Phillips chain was lowered for dam construction, Carol and I patroled the shores collecting trash. We took pictures of this enourmous event. Lugerville Wisconsin 54555 ''For fina